Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Scientists could use DNA to shrink a data center into a sugar cube

         The article I read is about the new upcoming innovation, DNA Data Storage. DNA data storage is self-explanatory it is a new revolutionary way in which people are taking data and storing it in the synthetic DNA. This new method is also incredible due to the amount of data one single DNA strand can hold.
         The first point I want to talk about is how fast this form of data storage has developed. Before I read this article I had never heard of taking data and storing it in DNA which is something that all living beings have and is biological rather than technological. DNA is something that I believed to be somewhat unknown or mysterious to us. This article talks how far this technology has advanced. In 1999 DNA-based storage involved encoding and recovering a 23 bit message and by 2013 a UK-based company claimed it encoded an mp3 of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech in DNA.
        The second point I want to talk about is what DNA storage can do in terms of life expectancy. Storing Data in DNA allows the data to last for thousands of years. The article stated “data stored in strands of DNA can last for tens of thousands of years”. Imagine having a data source that doesn’t corrupt and is stable that lasts long. DNA doesn’t need electricity unlike the data centers used in today's modern era. This new method is something out of a sci-fi movie. The DNA storage takes place in synthetic DNA which also means that the host where the DNA is stored doesn’t have to be alive and can be placed into almost anything. Allowing for easily transported data compared to objects like flash drives which have the ability to be easily corrupted.
        The third point I want to talk about is how much data can be stored in a single DNA strand. This point is the most important and why DNA storage is a growing at a rapid rate. New and efficient ways of storing data is needed in today’s modern world, where even the internet is running out of space. The digital universe is expected to grow 16 zettabytes by next year that’s equivalent to 4 trillion DVD’s. Storing this data is becoming a challenge and the answer is DNA data storage.
        One point the article overlooked is where exactly is the synthetic DNA being stored in, is the data stored in something like water or a plant. Another point I think the article missed was how you read the data, in terms of what type of devices are need. The third point is how this will help the common person in the future I get that this benefits scientist but how this technology can be applied to an everyday person’s life.

1 comment:

  1. I never imagined that data could be stored in synthetic DNA. This is a strong example of how technologically advanced data technology has become. I found the most challenging concept to be how and where is the data stored once it is in the DNA. It is amazing that the data stored in the DNA can last for tens of thousands of years. However, the data's life is also dependent on how it is stored. For example, if the data DNA is stored in something like a test tube, it requires increased work by others to maintain the DNA's life. This may cause complications in the DNA's supposed long life.
