Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Future of Big Data Is Bigger Than you Can Possibly Imagine

Patrick Smith
Blog #3
            The article I chose is the most interesting article I have read on IT. The article is about how people want to create a computer infrastructure that could gather everything that we do into a big data spreadsheet. The infrastructure would be called a Universal Graph.
            The first point I want to emphasize in this article is about how they said they want the Universal Graph to collect all the data people generate today and create an interconnected picture of the world. Thinking about this is crazy and would definitely change the world works. Even though it could change the way we look at data but it also would destroy are privacy. Humans these days, with all the technological advancements, barely have any privacy from the government but this would make it completely zero.
            The next point I want to emphasize is how today all the information on everyone in the world from birth date to death is spread out among many different databases and this Universal Graph want to bring it together. The thing I wanted to point out from that is they want to create a better society. With this machine could track every single type of data all together and make changes accordingly.
            The last thing I wanted to point out is about how the Universal Graph is like a universal mind. It basically is an infrastructure with billions of data points coming in everyday and is alive. It can communicate within itself through algorithms. The thing I wanted to point out is where does this end and when does technology completely take over our lives.
            After reading this article I feel like the article skipped over some things that are important. One thing I think the article skipped over is to go into more detail about how it could solve our problems. If the Universal Graph picks up something wrong in the data then how does it solve the problem and what can it do. Also another thing they skipped over was what could do the people think about a piece of technology controlling how we change our society we live in. Finally the last thing I wish they added more about was the privacy issue. Sometimes society does not want to be monitored 24/7 and have everything waking moment catalogue into a machine.
            In the end though I think this is a massive step into a new era of technology and the people making this decision need to be 100% sure that it will positively improve our world.  



  1. This idea of a Universal Graph sounds very interesting. However, I do agree with Patrick's concern for privacy issues surrounding this new idea. I am curious as to who would have access to this Universal Graph. Maybe, if user access would be limited to a select few, the privacy issues could be kept under control. However, even this idea would cause further complications in determining who is worthy of gaining access to the Universal Graph.

  2. This idea of a Universal Graph sounds very interesting. However, I do agree with Patrick's concern for privacy issues surrounding this new idea. I am curious as to who would have access to this Universal Graph. Maybe, if user access would be limited to a select few, the privacy issues could be kept under control. However, even this idea would cause further complications in determining who is worthy of gaining access to the Universal Graph.

  3. I agree with Allie and pat, with the concern of privacy issues because of the Universal Graph could collect all the data people generate today and create an interconnected picture of the world. The privacy issues could be kept under control and the user access would be limited to a select few.
